With the Premium Digital Advertorial, you can tell multimedia stories. Integrated images, videos, podcasts, graphics and other elements turn the Advertorial into an emotional story. It consists of a prominently placed stage on the homepage and a corresponding article page, whose design is based on the TextilWirtschaft.de screen design. On top of this, there is an announcement in the Newslines TextilWirtschaft trend (Tuesday) and TextilWirtschaft today (Thursday).
Lead image, text and links form the basis. Furthermore, 5 additional elements can be selected:
The Premium Digital-Advertorial is created in close collaboration with an external editor. Text and images are prepared in the style of an editorial report.
Input for the editor includes: texts, images, graphics, links, contact details and all necessary content, etc.
All components of the Premium Digital-Advertorial are marked as “Anzeige” (advertisement).
Click HERE to discover an example of the Premium Digital Advertorial.
Price: € 18,800