Podcast Formats: Sponsored Podcast Power

Sponsored Podcast Power

Maximize the power of your podcast: We manage the complete marketing of your podcast to the TW Community.

✓ Guaranteed ad impressions: We guarantee 450,000 ad impressions on the promotional materials during the campaign.
✓ Flexible add-ons: Choose freely from our add-ons for even more reach.
✓ All-inclusive option: If you do not have a podcast yet, TW will also conceptualize the content, organize production, and provide an experienced host.

Looking for more?
Choose from our add-ons for even greater reach.

¹ Includes three selected newsletter articles (editor's picks); can be booked once per podcast.
² Can be booked up to three times per podcast, every two weeks.
³ Total: 675,000 ad impressions.

No Podcast? No Problem.
Even if you do not yet have a podcast, we are here to help with our All-Inclusive Add-On.

Campaign Spotlight: Sponsored Podcast with ISKO

Check out the landing page here and tune in to the podcast.

What we need from you

E-Blast Add-On

Please provide the following two weeks before the podcast goes live:

✓ Header Image: 560 px x 250 px; 72 dpi; jpg or png
✓ Headline: 30 - 70 characters including spaces
✓ Text: 2,500 – 3,000 characters including spaces, formatted
✓ Links: Underline the words in the text that should be linked and provide the exact link in parentheses.

LinkedIn Add-On

Please provide the following components two weeks before the podcast goes live:

✓ Image: 1200 x 627 px
✓ Link to landing page
✓ Text: max. 400 characters including spaces, equivalent to max. 5-6 lines
✓ Hashtags: max. 4
✓ Company account to be tagged

You have questions or need more information?

Your media consultant:

Franziska Welp
Deputy Publishing Director

We are happy to get in touch.

To distinguish your request from that of a bot, please also answer this question:
*mandatory field
